Pi Day and Phase 2 Launch

Pi Network 項目方在週年慶釋放全球投稿的慶祝影片,以及新的激勵活動。

Pi Day and Phase 2 Launch

Happy Pi Day! Tomorrow, 3/14, Pi will launch Phase 2 of the project.
Several weeks ago, we asked the community how you wanted to celebrate Pi Day.
In response to the community’s requests we:

Produced a video series to provide a high-level roadmap and strategy of Phase 2 of the project.
We will work with the community to release an even more detailed roadmap over the course of Q2, 2020.
Provided an overview of Pi’s Nodes and announced the launch of the first version of Pi’s Node software by March 31st, 2020.
Began exploring how to expand our KYC methods and will release several thousand new KYC slots in the upcoming weeks, alongside the launch of the Nodes.
Created a Pi Day Raffle to celebrate Pi Day as well as a new way to give 1 free Pi to new members you invite to the community.
We explain the raffle and new 1 Free Pi feature in greater detail below.

PI 日快樂!明天 3/14,Pi 將啟動該項目的第二階段。
幾週前,我們詢問了社區您如何慶祝 Pi Day。
我們將與社區合作,在 2020 年第二季度發布更詳細的路線圖。提供了 Pi's Nodes 的概述,並宣佈到 2020年3月31日發布 Pi 的 Nodes 軟件的第一個版本。
開始探索如何擴展我們的 KYC 方法,並將在接下來的幾週內隨著 Nodes 的發布釋放數千個新的 KYC 接口。
社區創建了一個 Pi Day 抽獎活動來慶祝Pi Day,以及一種向您邀請的新會員免費贈送Pi的新方法。

我們將在下面詳細介紹抽獎活動和新的免費 1 Pi 幣功能。

We are excited to embark on this next phase of the development of the project with the community! Welcome to Phase 2!

Pi Day Raffle and Give 1 Free Pi details

To celebrate Pi Day and the launch of Phase 2, all new and existing Pioneers who mine on Pi Day will have a chance to win 3,14.59 Pi! There will be 10 lucky winners worldwide. To participate, simply mine on Pi Day.
Only real accounts qualify for the raffle. Bots will not qualify. The winners of the raffle will be announced on March 20th, 2020.

Pi Day Raffle並贈送1個免費Pi詳細信息:
為了慶祝 Pi Day 和第 2 階段的啟動,在 Pi Day 啟動的所有新加入和現有的 Pioneer 將有機會贏得 3,141.59 Pi!全球將有 10 位幸運獲獎者。要參加,只需在 Pi Day 當日處於活躍狀態(啟動)。
只有真實帳戶才有資格參加抽獎活動(可以通過 KYC 者才可以獲贈)。機器人沒有資格。抽獎的獲勝者將於 2020年3月20日宣布。

New members who join on Pi Day will also have a chance to win 3,141.59 Pi.
If you’d like to invite new members so they have a chance to win, you can give 1 free Pi to new members in 1 of 2 ways:
Share on Facebook Messenger.
Tap the Share with Messenger button on the bottom right of the home screen.
It will take you to a chatbot that will give you a special share card.
You can send this share card to your friends via Facebook messenger by tapping the button to the right of the card.
Each person that joins using your card will receive one Pi, be added to your earning team, and boost your and their earnings equally by 25%.
Share using your phone’s native share options.
Tap the Share button on the bottom left of the home screen.
Each friend that joins using your code will receive 1 Pi, be added to your earning team, and boost your and their earnings equally by 25%.

參加Pi Day的新成員也將有機會贏得3,141.59 Pi。
如果您想邀請新成員,以便他們有機會獲勝,則可以通過以下兩種方式之一為新成員免費贈送 Pi: 
在Facebook Messenger上分享。
您可以通過點擊共享卡右側的按鈕將此共享卡通過Facebook Messenger發送給您的朋友。
使用您的代碼加入的每個朋友將獲得 1個 Pi 幣,並添加到您的收入團隊中,並將您及其收入平均提高25%。

The fact that every new member receives 1 free Pi is not new. In fact, new members have received 1 free Pi upon signing up since the launch of the project.
The rationale for giving 1 free Pi to each new member has been that each and every real Pioneer deserves at least 1 Pi.
This new way of giving 1 Pi to members you invite highlights this existing feature.
The proceeds of the raffle will come out of the Pi’s Developer Fund.

每個新註冊成員都會獲得 1 個免費的 Pi 幣並非新設。實際上,自項目啟動以來,新成員在註冊後即可獲得 1 個免費 Pi。
給每個新成員 1 個免費 Pi 的理由是,每個真正的 Pioneer 都應至少擁有 1 Pi。
這種向邀請成員提供 1 Pi 的新方法突出了此現有功能。
抽獎活動的贈品將來自 Pi 的開發者基金。


Pi Network 安裝與註冊

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