Pi Network APP 安裝註冊之後該做些什麼?

一、首先,應該試著去了解 Pi Network 能幹嘛!

首頁左上角的 三 → 選擇開啟 FQA,可以選擇簡體中文,學習項目方列出的問與答。

基本上,在 FQA 裡就可以大致了解 Pi Network 在幹嘛了。


當閃電處於綠色狀態時,你去點它,會進入 Earn Pi 頁面(相當於點擊首頁左上角的 三 → 選 Earn Pi 一樣意思)

Earn Pi 頁面就是四種挖礦模式介紹頁面。

三、等待 Contributor (貢獻者)解鎖,就有資格來啟動設置 Security circle(安全圈)來提升獲幣率(挖礦速度)。



只要上線、下線成員(沒有你)超過五人,則安全圈的挖礦速度將增加 0.2 Pi/小時(每一人0.04),首頁上會顯示一個100%(每人20%)盾牌圖示。

而安全圈達100%很重要,因為會影響接下來要介紹的 Ambassador (大使)獎勵的算法。

四、Ambassador (大使),其實就是推廣人、邀請人、介紹人、業務員的美名。

註冊成功後,你就成為了 Pioneer (開拓者、先鋒、先驅),這個部分可以獲得 0.2 Pi/小時。

如果你介紹一個人成功註冊,你就成為 Ambassador (大使)了(其實沒有推廣還是可以獲得 Ambassador 獎勵 1×25%×(0.2+0.04)=0.06/小時,這個部分是由上線為你加持的)。

如果你的安全圈是100%,則每介紹一人大約可以為你增加 0.1/小時的獲幣率。

如果你推廣了10人,再加上上線共11人,則你在 Ambassador 的部分可以獲得大約 1.1/小時。
你每個小時可以獲得 0.2 (Pioneer)+0.2(Contributor)+1.1(Ambassador)=1.5/小時。




剛註冊的你首頁會看到閃電下方的獲幣率是 0.25/小時,不是剛剛算的 0.26/小時,是因為 0.2 是 0.196 的進位顯示。如上,拉了10人會顯示 1.49/小時。

那 0.196是怎麼來的?新人不要知道那麼多。

五、要知道 APP 首頁的布局。


這個數字你不能太高興!未來會有一個 KYC (身分確認)認證機制,只有能夠通過 KYC 的人對你所加持的獲幣,才算是。被判定機器人、一人多帳戶的部分,都會被銷毀。所以,「一人一機一號」是你要堅持的原則。(未成年也行,未來也會有類似家庭、家族式的 KYC)

六、再來,如果你無聊,APP 上有個 Chat (聊天室),許多陪聊員在裡面,把把妹、發發騷都是可行的。47個多國語言聊天室可供選擇,也是認識人、做生意的好地方。

七、如果你非常有上進心、好奇心,White Papper (白皮書、項目執行計畫書)是最佳選擇,深入了解項目(是吹牛的本錢)—設計原理、計畫進度、未來發展願景、對地球生態貢獻等等。如果你瘋了,不妨上史丹福大學官網,去下載技術手冊閱讀,也是讓你冷靜的好辦法。

八、新人一定要訂定一個目標來看待 Pi Network。

以我在區塊鏈上的經驗(其實是幣圈韭菜苗經驗),Pi Network 是偉大的,如同谷歌免費的 GPS導航、衛星地圖改變人類生活方式。堅持,你會為你有幸參與感到驕傲。


Pi Day and Phase 2 Launch

Pi Network 項目方在週年慶釋放全球投稿的慶祝影片,以及新的激勵活動。

Pi Day and Phase 2 Launch

Happy Pi Day! Tomorrow, 3/14, Pi will launch Phase 2 of the project.
Several weeks ago, we asked the community how you wanted to celebrate Pi Day.
In response to the community’s requests we:

Produced a video series to provide a high-level roadmap and strategy of Phase 2 of the project.
We will work with the community to release an even more detailed roadmap over the course of Q2, 2020.
Provided an overview of Pi’s Nodes and announced the launch of the first version of Pi’s Node software by March 31st, 2020.
Began exploring how to expand our KYC methods and will release several thousand new KYC slots in the upcoming weeks, alongside the launch of the Nodes.
Created a Pi Day Raffle to celebrate Pi Day as well as a new way to give 1 free Pi to new members you invite to the community.
We explain the raffle and new 1 Free Pi feature in greater detail below.

PI 日快樂!明天 3/14,Pi 將啟動該項目的第二階段。
幾週前,我們詢問了社區您如何慶祝 Pi Day。
我們將與社區合作,在 2020 年第二季度發布更詳細的路線圖。提供了 Pi's Nodes 的概述,並宣佈到 2020年3月31日發布 Pi 的 Nodes 軟件的第一個版本。
開始探索如何擴展我們的 KYC 方法,並將在接下來的幾週內隨著 Nodes 的發布釋放數千個新的 KYC 接口。
社區創建了一個 Pi Day 抽獎活動來慶祝Pi Day,以及一種向您邀請的新會員免費贈送Pi的新方法。

我們將在下面詳細介紹抽獎活動和新的免費 1 Pi 幣功能。

We are excited to embark on this next phase of the development of the project with the community! Welcome to Phase 2!

Pi Day Raffle and Give 1 Free Pi details

To celebrate Pi Day and the launch of Phase 2, all new and existing Pioneers who mine on Pi Day will have a chance to win 3,14.59 Pi! There will be 10 lucky winners worldwide. To participate, simply mine on Pi Day.
Only real accounts qualify for the raffle. Bots will not qualify. The winners of the raffle will be announced on March 20th, 2020.

Pi Day Raffle並贈送1個免費Pi詳細信息:
為了慶祝 Pi Day 和第 2 階段的啟動,在 Pi Day 啟動的所有新加入和現有的 Pioneer 將有機會贏得 3,141.59 Pi!全球將有 10 位幸運獲獎者。要參加,只需在 Pi Day 當日處於活躍狀態(啟動)。
只有真實帳戶才有資格參加抽獎活動(可以通過 KYC 者才可以獲贈)。機器人沒有資格。抽獎的獲勝者將於 2020年3月20日宣布。

New members who join on Pi Day will also have a chance to win 3,141.59 Pi.
If you’d like to invite new members so they have a chance to win, you can give 1 free Pi to new members in 1 of 2 ways:
Share on Facebook Messenger.
Tap the Share with Messenger button on the bottom right of the home screen.
It will take you to a chatbot that will give you a special share card.
You can send this share card to your friends via Facebook messenger by tapping the button to the right of the card.
Each person that joins using your card will receive one Pi, be added to your earning team, and boost your and their earnings equally by 25%.
Share using your phone’s native share options.
Tap the Share button on the bottom left of the home screen.
Each friend that joins using your code will receive 1 Pi, be added to your earning team, and boost your and their earnings equally by 25%.

參加Pi Day的新成員也將有機會贏得3,141.59 Pi。
如果您想邀請新成員,以便他們有機會獲勝,則可以通過以下兩種方式之一為新成員免費贈送 Pi: 
在Facebook Messenger上分享。
您可以通過點擊共享卡右側的按鈕將此共享卡通過Facebook Messenger發送給您的朋友。
使用您的代碼加入的每個朋友將獲得 1個 Pi 幣,並添加到您的收入團隊中,並將您及其收入平均提高25%。

The fact that every new member receives 1 free Pi is not new. In fact, new members have received 1 free Pi upon signing up since the launch of the project.
The rationale for giving 1 free Pi to each new member has been that each and every real Pioneer deserves at least 1 Pi.
This new way of giving 1 Pi to members you invite highlights this existing feature.
The proceeds of the raffle will come out of the Pi’s Developer Fund.

每個新註冊成員都會獲得 1 個免費的 Pi 幣並非新設。實際上,自項目啟動以來,新成員在註冊後即可獲得 1 個免費 Pi。
給每個新成員 1 個免費 Pi 的理由是,每個真正的 Pioneer 都應至少擁有 1 Pi。
這種向邀請成員提供 1 Pi 的新方法突出了此現有功能。
抽獎活動的贈品將來自 Pi 的開發者基金。


2020/3/12 Pi Network 項目核心團隊再度發表新的公告視頻及文稿,詳細說明 Pi Network 項目的去中心化網絡和貨幣、電腦架設節點定位(排除手機)、安全圈和安全網運作、擴大的 KYC (身分認證)範圍、測試節點的挑選。


定調 Pi Network 的去中心化網絡,由開拓者共同自治維護(社區管理)。
二、開拓者(先鋒)可以像比特幣和以太坊一樣不受中心化干擾地自由出售或交換 Pi 幣。
除了商品和服務交易, Pi 可以與其他貨幣自由交易。
開拓者(先鋒)可以選擇設立節點,設立需經過 KYC 及申請核可。
 五、在2020年3月31日,我們將提供 Pi 節點應用程序的初始版本供下載和安裝。
節點有包括兩個界面:節點界面和電腦桌面 Pi 界面。允許檢查其 Pi 餘額並在其個人計算機上使用 Pi 聊天。
六、將開設更多的 KYC 機制來支援節點的註冊和測試網的發展。
擴大 KYC 範圍,增加測試節點數量。


At Pi Network, we believe that everyday people should have a greater voice and capture a greater share of the value that they create in society.
We believe that the best way to achieve this goal is by building a decentralized currency and economy.
在 Pi Network,我們相信每天的人們應該擁有更大的發言權,並在他們創造的社會價值中獲得更大的份額。

Pi’s decentralized currency will eventually be secured by a distributed global network of Pioneers, rather than being controlled by one single centralized entity.
Pi’s global network will be ultimately self-governed, meaning that the community can shape how Pi evolves over time.
Pi 的去中心化貨幣最終將由開拓者(先鋒)的分佈式全球網絡保護,而不是由一個集中的實體控制。
Pi 的全球網絡最終將實現自治,這意味著社區可以決定 Pi 隨時間的發展方式。

When Pi is fully decentralized, Pioneers will also have full sovereignty and control over their own cryptocurrency holdings.
Progress in decentralization brings Pi closer to the phase where Pioneers will be able to sell or exchange Pi, without centralized interference, just like bitcoin and ethereum.
In other words, moving into the Phase 2, the testnet phase, takes us one step closer to Mainnet, when Pi can be traded freely with other currencies, in addition to trading for goods and services.
權力下放的進展使 Pi 更加接近開拓者(先鋒)可以像比特幣和以太坊一樣不受中心化干擾地自由出售或交換 Pi 的階段。
換句話說,進入第二階段,即測試網階段,使我們比Mainnet(主網)更近一步,那時 Pi 可以與其他貨幣自由交易,除了商品和服務交易。

Pioneers who want to help secure Pi’s currency can choose to become a Node.
希望幫助保護 Pi 貨幣的開拓者(先鋒)可以選擇成為節點。

Nodes are the forth role in the Pi ecosystem, and run on laptops and desktops instead of mobile phones.
Similar to other blockchains, Pi Nodes will be responsible for validating transactions on a distributed ledger, and resolve the challenges in maintaining a distributed currency by having all nodes come to a “consensus” on the order of new transactions getting recorded.
節點是 Pi 生態系統中的第四個任務,將替代手機在筆記型電腦和桌上型電腦上運行。
與其他區塊鏈類似,Pi 節點將負責驗證分佈式分類賬上的交易,並通過讓所有節點都記錄新交易的順序達成「共識」,從而解決維護分佈式貨幣方面的挑戰。

Unlike nodes that use proof of work such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, Pi Node uses a different consensus algorithm based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol, in which nodes form trusted groups (quorum slicess) and only agree to transactions that those trusted nodes agree to.
The security circles from Pi mobile miners aggregate into a global trust graph that enables Pi nodes to form quorum slices to determine who can and cannot validate transactions on the shared ledger.
與使用工作量證明(例如比特幣或以太坊)的節點不同,Pi 節點 使用基於恆星共識協議的不同共識算法,其中節點形成受信任圈(仲裁切片),並且僅同意那些受信任信節點所同意的交易。
Pi 移動礦工的安全圈匯總到一個全局信任圖中,該圖使 Pi 節點可以形成仲裁切片,以確定誰可以和不能驗證共享分類賬上的交易。

Also unlike other crypto projects, the Pi Node will continue to uphold the philosophy of user centric design.
Instead of requiring much technical knowledge to set up a node, everyday people will be able to do that by installing a desktop application on their computers, just like installing any other computer app.
Through this desktop application, Pioneers can switch on/off to make their devices available/unavailable for serving as a node.
與其他加密貨幣項目不同,Pi 節點將繼續秉承以用戶為中心的設計理念。

By March 31, 2020, we’ll make the initial version of the Pi Node application available to download and install.
This initial version of the Node will include two interfaces:
the node interface and the desktop Pi interface.
The desktop Pi interface will be similar to the interface of the mobile app and will allow people to check their Pi balance and use the Pi chats on their personal computer.
在2020年3月31日,我們將提供 Pi 節點應用程序的初始版本供下載和安裝。
節點界面和電腦桌面 Pi 界面。
電腦桌面 Pi 界面將類似於移動應用程序的界面,允許人們檢查其 Pi 餘額並在其個人計算機上使用 Pi 聊天。

However, only members, who apply and get selected by the core team to serve as a testnet node, will have the node interface fully activated.
The detailed requirements and selection process will be announced along with the software launch.

This version of the node is the first step towards building the Pi Testnet, which will enable the core team to test the consensus algorithm and its scalability, calibrate configurations, and adapt and improve the consensus algorithm.
Pioneers who run this version of the node will not need to be concerned with such processes.
All they need to do is to decide if and when their devices are available/unavailable serving as a node in the Pi testnet, if they’re selected as a node.
此節點版本是構建 Pi Testnet(測試節點)的第一步,它將使核心團隊能夠測試共識算法及其可擴展性,校準配置以及適應和改進共識算法。
他們要做的就是確定是否將其設備選為節點,以及何時將其設備用於 Pi 測試網中的節點。

The Nodes for Pi’s Testnet will be launched and open for application by 3/31/2020.
In order to be selected to run certain versions of the node on Pi’s Testnet, Pioneers will have to undergo KYC.
More KYC slots will be opened up to support node enrollment and the advancement of Testnet.
More detailed selection criteria for Pi Node will be released along with the software launch.
But overall, the principles of node selection will be the trustworthiness in the network, and the availability and reliability of the device.
Pi 的測試網節點將在2020年3月31日啟動並開放供下載應用程式。
為了能夠在 Pi 的測試網上運行該節點的某些版本,開拓者(先鋒)必須通過 KYC(身分認證)。
將開設更多的 KYC 機制來支援節點的註冊和測試網的發展。
Pi 節點的更詳細選擇規範將隨軟體啟動一起釋放。


今日2020/3/11 Pi Network 項目核心團隊再度發表新的公告視頻及文稿,詳細說明 Pi APP 設置與應用、Node(節點)架設、KYC(實名認證)規定、內部轉移交易測試等等未來規劃及要求。


公開 Pi Network 的應用生態將接受全面開放相關行業參與設計。
二、 Pi 應用程序平台是通過分散式 Pi 生態系統策略來開發。
 Pi 應用程序平台會是以分佈式伺服器(節點)模式存在,不受單一機構控制。
三、核心團隊將專注於提供平台,讓特定領域專業人士構建(或配合)如電子商務,物流,供應鏈,遊戲,房地產或金融服務的應用軟體,Pi 核心團隊將只開發一些與 Pi 的願景和社區建設緊密相關的關鍵 Pi 應用。
四、「 Pi 支付」-將 Pi 幣整合到付款選項中的外部應用程序。
定調 Pi Network 公鏈幣 Pi 幣具有支付功能-「 Pi 支付」。
五、定調外部應用程序,如 facebook 、微信小程序的 Pi 應用程序都將託管在 Pi APP界面中。
公告所有連結至 Pi 應用平台軟體、小程序,將託管在 Pi APP 界面中(類似所有微信小程序全部受託管在微信APP)。
六、APP 應用的挑選將涉及社區審核和同行評審。
七、Apps 平台的開發、第三方開發人員應用程序的申請流程將在 2020 年第二季度(Q2)開始。
八、成立一個內轉交易(Pi 幣轉帳交易)應用平台(由項目方設計專用)。
內轉交易 APP(Pi 幣轉帳交易)只能使用項目方設計的APP。
九、開放內轉交易的進度將放緩,暫停已經及之後 KYC 成員的內轉交易功能。
暫停內轉交易功能,即使通過 KYC 成員。
十、在 testnet(測試節點網)上運行某些版本 Node(節點)的資格,必需是已經 KYC 成員。
已經通過 KYC 成員才能參加Node(節點)架設及測試。


Pi Phase 2 - Pi Apps Platform
Pi 第二階段 - Pi Apps 平台

Our first goal in Phase 2 is building value.
As discussed in our strategy overview video, to build value, the network needs to create intrinsic utility for Pi by enabling people to spend pi to exchange for real value (versus other currencies which are only representations of real value) and products at scale, be it entertainment, social connections, influence, access, knowledge or buying and selling real goods and services for Pi.

正如我們在戰略敘述視頻中論述,要建立價值, Pi 網絡需要創建 Pi 的內在應用使人們能夠使用 pi 來交換產生真實價值(相對於只是表現實際價格的其他貨幣)並以 Pi 來規模化產品、娛樂、社交關係、影響力、訪問權、知識或買賣真實商品和服務。

To create a full-fledged ecosystem that mirrors the breadth and scale of traditional economies, it’s impossible to have all applications built by the core team alone.
So our strategy is to decentralize the development of Pi’s ecosystem through the Pi apps platform.
For example, if Pi marketplaces are necessary to facilitate and scale healthy Pi transactions, members of the community or third party developers can create Pi apps of different marketplaces that vary by region, language, and types of goods and services.
While the Core Team can’t be experts in all varieties of apps, our global community and external parties can be.

因此,我們的策略是通過 Pi 應用程序平台分散 Pi 生態系統的開發。
例如,如果必須使用 Pi 市場來促進和擴展健康的 Pi 交易,則社區成員或第三方開發人員可以創建不同市場的 Pi 應用,這些應用會因地區、語言以及商品和服務的類型而不同。

Pi Core Team will focus on providing the platform to facilitate others who are more specialized in the specific domains to build those apps, such as e-commerce, logistics, supply chains, gaming, real estate or financial services.
In addition to the platform, Pi Core Team will only develop a few key Pi apps that are closely tied to Pi’s vision and community building.
Based on our initial research, Third-party developers of decentralized applications are very excited to tap into and contribute to Pi’s ecosystem through the platform, because Pi’s philosophy of user accessibility and the large active global community are a rare resource in the crypto space.
An Apps Platform will allow third-party developers to build applications that facilitate structured transactions using PI. The Apps Platform can include both apps that are built within Pi Network called Pi Apps as well as external applications that are able to integrate Pi into their payment options, called Pi Payments.

Pi 核心團隊將專注於提供平台,以便利那些在特定領域更加專業的人構建這些應用程序,例如電子商務,物流,供應鏈,遊戲,房地產或金融服務。
除了平台之外,Pi 核心團隊將只開發一些與 Pi 的願景和社區建設緊密相關的關鍵 Pi 應用。
根據我們的初步研究,去中心化應用程序的第三方開發人員非常高興能夠通過該平台進入 Pi 的生態系統並做出貢獻,因為 Pi 的用戶可訪問性理念和活躍的全球社區是加密領域中不可多得的資源。
Apps 平台將允許第三方開發人員使用 PI 構建有助於結構化交易的應用程序。
Apps 平台既可以包含在 Pi 網絡內部構建的名為 Pi 應用程序的應用程序,也可以包含能夠將 Pi 集成到其付款選項中的外部應用程序,稱為 Pi 支付。

Pi Apps will be hosted within the Pi interfaces, for example, similar to facebook applications or WeChat mini-programs.
Some categories of potential Pi Apps, that can be hosted within the Pi interface include:
Pi Financial Services Apps - Apps that allow Pioneers to access the emerging world of decentralized finance.
We’ve already spoken to developers building apps to allow people to own fractional pieces of real estate as well as fractional shares in companies like Apple, Google, etc.
Pi Social Media - Apps that allow Pioneers to spend and earn Pi while engaging with high quality content.
We’re especially interested in integrating Pi into Pi Network’s existing chats to curate higher-quality conversation.
Pi Marketplaces - Apps that allow Pioneers to exchange goods and services, Similar to Amazon and TaoBao for goods; and Upwork, AirBnB, and Uber for services.
Pi Games - Apps that allow Pioneers to spend Pi to play fun and engaging games similar to how gamers spend traditional currency in their games.
Pi Payments will allow external applications to integrate Pi into their payment options.
Some Examples of Pi Payments include:
A QR code system that allows local retailers to accept payment in Pi Your favorite local website creates a new “Pay with Pi” buttonSomeday, Amazon.com could also create a new “Pay with Pi” button on its website.
We will start with a focus on applications that are built directly on Pi Network - Pi Apps.
Only when we construct a robust viable Pi ecosystem through Pi Apps, can we attract external traditional industries to integrate Pi Payments into their platforms.

Pi 應用程序將託管在 Pi 界面中,例如,類似於 facebook 應用程序或微信小程序。
一些有潛力的 Pi 應用程序類別,將被放置於於 Pi 應用的首頁上,包括:
Pi 金融服務應用程序-允許開拓者(先鋒)訪問去中心化金融的新世界應用程序(Pi Network)。
Pi 社交媒體-允許開拓者(先鋒)在參與高質量內容的同時花費和賺取 Pi 幣。
我們特別希望將 Pi(幣) 整合到現有 Pi Network 的聊天軟體中,以推展更高品質的對話。
Pi 商場 APP 應用允許開拓者(先鋒)交換商品和服務,類似於亞馬遜和淘寶的商品買賣;還有 Upwork(專案平台)、AirBnB(短租房)和 Uber(短租車)的服務。
Pi 遊戲 APP 應用允許開拓者(先鋒)花費 Pi(幣)使用或從事有趣的遊戲應用程序,類似於遊戲者在遊戲中花費傳統貨幣的方式。
Pi支付將允許外部應用程序將 Pi(幣) 整合到其付款選項中。
允許商家在你喜歡的商場創建一個「pi支付」按鈕來設置接受 QR 碼付款系統,或許 Amazon.com 也會在其網站上創建一個新的「pi支付」按鈕。
我們將開始專注於 Pi Network 平台上構建應用程序-Pi Apps。
只有當我們通過 Pi Apps 構建強大可行的 Pi 生態系統時,才能吸引外部傳統行業將 Pi 支付整合到他們的平台上。

We will work alongside the community to identify the most promising applications to be listed on the platform.
To avoid a wild-west situation where unchecked individuals try to take advantage of fellow Pioneers, the selection of apps will involve community vetting and peer reviews to try to achieve relevance, quality and trustworthiness.
The development of the Apps platform will begin in the second quarter (Q2) of 2020.
The application process for third-party developers is expected to open by the end of Q2 2020.
The in-app transfer pilot proved the need for an apps platform that allows safe and efficient transactions using Pi and reduces abuses.
The findings of the pilot mean that we will have to slow down enrollment into the in-app transfer pilot until more apps are added to the apps platform that scale transactions of real goods and services and we design safeguards needed to prevent further abuses.
While we will be slowing down enrollment in the in-app transfer pilot, we will expand KYC after Pi Day, as KYC will still be necessary to participate in other Pi programs.
Being KYC’d will no longer automatically enable in-app transfers, but will increase Pioneers’ probability of being selected for the in-app transfer pilot later as more applications are added to the platform.
Being KYC’d will also be required for eligibility to run certain versions of Nodes on Pi’s testnet.
We’ll present an update on the node in our next video and why it’s important for Pi.

Apps平台的開發將在 2020 年第二季度(Q2)開始。
應用內轉移測試證明了需要一個應用平台,該平台允許使用 Pi 進行安全有效的交易並減少濫用。
雖然我們將放緩應用程序內轉測試的驗證註冊,但我們仍將在 Pi 週年慶之後擴大 KYC,因為仍然需要通過 KYC 成員參與其他 Pi 計劃。
現在開始,通過 KYC 成員不會再自動啟用應用內轉功能,但是隨著平台上添加了更多應用,以後將增加先鋒被選擇為應用內轉試點的可能性。
要獲得在 Pi 的 testnet(測試節點網)上運行某些版本 Node(節點)的資格,必需是成為 KYC 成員。
我們將在下一個視頻中介紹該節點的更新,以及為什麼它對 Pi 至關重要。

提交自拍影片參與慶祝 Pi 週年慶

2020/3/10 項目核心團隊發布關於收集各國參與者提交自拍影片及發佈到社交媒體來慶祝 Pi 週年慶的公告,原文及翻譯如下:

As we embark upon Phase 2 on Pi Day 2020, we are creating a video to showcase the reach and diversity of our global community.
In addition to video feedback on our strategic plan series, we also encourage submissions of social content following the instructions below.
To participate, upload a video to Instagram or Twitter using the #PiPhase2 hashtag.

Video Instructions:
Start the video by saying “Happy Pi Day! Welcome to Pi Phase 2!” in your own language.
Take a selfie video in front of your favorite local setting.
Include in the caption “location (city, country)”, “language” and “username” (optional) in English.

Note: by submitting you agree that your video can be used for #PiPhase2 video.

在2020年Pi周年慶進入第二階段時,我們將創建一個 #PiPhase2 影片來展示我們全球社區的影響力和多樣性。

在影片開始時,用您當地的語言說「歡樂的 Pi 周年慶!歡迎進入 Pi 第二階段!」。

注意:提交時,表示您已經同意您的影片可以被使用於 #PiPhase2 影片。

在去年2019/11項目方也舉辦過一次慶祝破百萬人的活動,請各國參與者提供喜悅影片,作為見證 Pi Network 進程的活動。

有興趣的 Pi 友們,為您的參與留下足跡,見證 Pi 的奇蹟!


一、找您安全圈的 Pi 友及地標性建築或場所,自拍或合拍手持有 Pi 螢幕的手機。
二、自拍時,用國語或台語說出「歡樂的 Pi 周年慶!歡迎進入 Pi 第二階段!」。
三、剪輯影片,最好是 5-10 秒的影片,在影片內置入英文字幕「From Taiwan 、Taiwan Mandarin」,也可以加入用戶名。
四、將影片上傳或分享到  Instagram 或 Twitter (如果沒有就 FaceBook、YouTube、Telegram 應該也可以),複製網址連結。
五、將連結貼到 Pi 手機首頁最下面欄位,發送給核心團隊。


Pi Network 安裝與註冊



當您在面對面推廣 Pi Network 時,經常會遇到這樣的疑問或質疑:
1、 Pi Network 項目是由史丹福大學博士、區塊鏈教授在2019.3.14推行,在該大學公開資料都可以查詢到。史丹福大學被稱為全美最難進入的大學,歷年來有68位諾貝爾獎、20位圖靈獎得主來自史丹福,谷歌、特斯拉、PayPal、瑞波鏈、恆星鏈......數不盡世界級大佬來自史丹福。


一、台灣地區目前只支援FaceBook帳號註冊,手機號不支持註冊。下載安裝 Pi Network 之前,請確認 FB 是登入狀態(pi軟體會自動擷取FB帳號戶名,不用輸入)。

二、Pi Network 目前支持安卓、蘋果系統。安卓請至Google Play商店下載,蘋果請至A Store商店下載。安卓系統沒有註冊使用Google帳號者,也可以下載APK安裝(需開啟安全權限-允許不明安裝來源)。

三、Pi Network未來會有KYC(實名認證)機制,使用FaceBook帳號註冊時,FB帳號若非實名沒關係,先使用FB註冊時的匿名,未來 Pi Network 要做KYC前,會有一次更改名字機會。若一人有多個FB帳號,請使用與您同名在FB驗證手機號的FB帳戶。

四、 Pi Network 後台有大數據分析系統,偵測、比對使用者行為,嚴禁虛擬帳號(尤其是刷號、大小號),系統偵測到會註記,未來獲得的Pi幣會被銷毀,因此,務必一人一機一號。

開啟下載軟體,輸入  Pi Network ,點選 Pi Network 。




姓名會自動填入。往下一籃,需設置您的 username,也就是您在 Pi Network 的稱號,也是未來給下線的推薦碼。4-20個英文加數字組合。(目前超過600萬人註冊,不能重複)

再來是輸入上線的推薦碼。如果沒有也可以輸入  yeh2020  (我的直屬下線一美金收一幣)







註冊成功後,可以在  Profile  個人檔案中看到您註冊成功的方式。

參考 Pi Network APP 功能詳細說明


Pi Network 安裝與註冊

下載安裝步驟 安裝前,說在前面。 當您在面對面推廣 Pi Network 時,經常會遇到這樣的疑問或質疑: 安裝軟體會不會個資外洩?軟體有沒有毒?手機會不會燒壞?拿到的Pi幣有沒有價值?又是虛擬貨幣!是不是詐騙?等等非常多令您意想不到的疑惑! 沒錯,肯定會遇到...