2021.4.24 錢包功能問與答




問:Pi Wallet是保管錢包還是非保管錢包? 

答:Pi Wallet是非託管錢包,這意味著只有您才能訪問(您錢包的)密碼短語/秘鑰(助記詞)。 












答:是的。 Pi Testnet和Mainnet現在是並將成為公共區塊鏈,因此任何與區塊鏈兼容的錢包都可以使用。 Pi不僅可以在您的Pi錢包中使用,而且可以在任何其他與Pi兼容的錢包中使用。但是,正式的Pi錢包是我們啟動時將獲得主網Pi的地方。 













Pi App 首頁視頻原文

Q: Is Pi Wallet a custodial or non-custodial wallet?

A: Pi Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning only you have access to your Passphrase/Secret Key (of your wallet).

Q: When will the Pi Wallet have the real Pi inside?

A: (It will have it) When Pi Mainnet is live. We aim to launch the Mainnet by the end of this year.

Q: Can I recover or reset my Passphrase if I did not save or lost it?

A: No. Typically this is not possible for non-custodial wallets, since no one else has your passphrase. So, keep your Passphrase safe and do not share with others. The Core Team is also working on a potential new mechanism utilizing your security circles to help with account recovery while maintaining the wallet as (a fully) non-custodial (wallet).

Q: I forgot my Passphrase to the wallet I recently created. Is it possible to create another wallet?

A: Yes. Create another wallet for now and make sure that you keep your Passphrase safe next time. The wallets currently only connect to the Testnet, only containing Test-Pi for testing, thus no real loss for you. But after the Mainnet, losing the Passphrase to your wallet with real Pi cannot be cured by creating another wallet like now and will result in you losing access to all the Pi in that wallet forever.

Q: I accidentally shared my passphrase with others. What should I do?

A: You should create a new wallet with a new passphrase and stop using the compromised one immediately. Since we are in the testing phase right now, it’s ok to create a new wallet. In the Mainnet phase you should immediately create a new wallet and transfer all your Pi to that new wallet, before others do.

Q: Does the Pi Wallet provide a custodial option, storing the Passphrase for Pioneers in the app? If not, will the Pi Wallet have a custodial option in the future?

A: Not for now. However, we may develop an optional custodial wallet in the future only if enough Pioneers show interest in this feature. So please let us know if you want to see that happening.

Q: Can I use other wallets?

A: Yes. Pi Testnet and Mainnet is and will be a public blockchain, thus any wallet compatible with the blockchain can work. Pi is fully accessible not only in your Pi Wallet but also any other Pi compatible wallet. However, the official Pi wallet is where you will get your mainnet Pi when we launch.

Q: Is the Pi Wallet following standards or did we make up our own?

A: It is based on the BIP39 and BIP44 standards. In general, there is a rule in cryptography stating that you should not make up your “own” crypto and should only use widely-accepted, peer-reviewed algorithms and standards.

Q: Why are there transaction fees?

A: Transaction fees (i) avoid spamming the blockchain with useless transactions and (ii) allow for transaction ordering during times of network congestion.

Q: How much is the transaction fee?

A: The current transaction fee on the Testnet is 0.01 Test-π. When you set a higher fee for your transaction, you still pay only 0.01, unless there is congestion, in which case transactions with higher fees are executed before transactions with lower fees.

Q: Where do transaction fees go and what are they used for?

A: All fees are currently simply getting burnt, by being accumulated in an inaccessible pool of burnt Pi. But in the future, fees could be used for mining rewards instead of minting new currency, or other purposes for the benefit of the community.

Q: Will passphrases stay the same after the launch of the Mainnet?

A: For your convenience, we aim for wallet passphrases to stay the same so that people don’t have to create them twice. So we urge you to get Mainnet-ready and create your wallets now. However there is a chance, for technical improvement reasons, we may have to ask you to reset your passphrases before Mainnet.

Q: Will my wallet address be the same on the Mainnet and Testnet?

A: This has not been decided yet. Technically either way is possible, but we need to consider the pros and cons.

Pi Browser安裝及手機錢包使用教程



1、Pi App首頁更新


(Youtube 鏈接尚未釋放,請在手機上觀賞,有中文字幕)

3、點擊首頁 三 顯示側邊目錄,出現 Pi Browser(Pi瀏覽器)欄位,這是方便下載該APP入口,也是第一次使用必須進入的窗口。

4、點擊Pi Browser後會顯示下圖,除了介紹文,下方有一個登入瀏覽器入口,第一次使用是指引下載Pi瀏覽器APP,並且需要經過該入口設置手機與瀏覽器APP綁定,之後,就可以在手機桌頁單獨啟動Pi Browser App使用各項功能。

5、點擊登入瀏覽器後,如果偵測到還沒安裝Pi Browser App,會自動跳轉到Google Play商店,下載安裝,如果已經安裝過,會自動啟動Pi Browser App瀏覽器。

請務必注意!認明 Pi Browser圖標,不要下載錯誤,也不要從除了官方的其他管道下載該應用,因為已經有許多詐騙APP模仿PI應用。


7、下載安裝後,會在手機頁面出現一個Pi Browser瀏覽器APP圖標,該應用可以當作瀏覽器使用,具有網址到站、搜索網頁等等各項功能,目前預設搜索引擎使用google,未來將會持續增加更多功能,包含自我設置功能。
不過,需要注意的是,第一次使用,必須綁定手機Pi App,如果沒有綁定就點擊啟用,會出現下圖提示。


9、選點mine.pi可以進入下圖,就是在瀏覽器運行Pi App,等同擁有瀏覽器版本的Pi App,功能完全相同。

許多人問我為什麼要這樣做,已經有手機版本的Pi App,怎麼還需要瀏覽器版本。





如果你眼尖,可以看到,根域名都是 .pi 型態的網域,個人大膽猜想,項目方早已經將 .pi 根域名買下,供未來所有參與生態建設的、各種大大小小事物,甚至每個先鋒的用戶名,都給予獨一的網址,這將是多麼驚人。
因為,只要控管 .pi 根域,不是這個根域網址,都無法透過這個瀏覽器進入PI區塊鏈,在安全性、加密性,都將非常有保障。

市面上聽到的阻斷式攻擊,將不存在 Pi Network !(個人猜測)

























Pi Network項目方在Pi App上發布了重大訊息,釋放下載和測試使用Pi Browser和手機錢包,這個將Pi瀏覽器集成開發成APP型態,來參與區塊鏈上的運用,又是一大創舉,也是一項技術,其中,更整合了非常多的新功能,方便後續生態系統的擴展。


We’re launching the new Pi Browser beta app integrated with the mobile Pi Wallet. 

The Pi Browser provides a more direct and open Pi Utilities platform for Pi Apps developers and Pioneers. 

To access the mobile Pi Wallet, download the Pi Browser app through the button above from the official iOS and Android app stores. Read more above.

我們啟動與移動 Pi 錢包集成的新的 Pi Browser(Pi瀏覽器) beta 版本的應用程序。 

Pi瀏覽器為 Pi Apps 開發人員和先鋒們提供了更直接和開放的 Pi Utilities 平台。 

要訪問手機 Pi 錢包,請通過官方 iOS 和 Android 應用商店中的按鈕下載 Pi Browser (Pi瀏覽器)應用。



今天,我們將同時介紹 Pi Network 的兩種主要產品:Pi瀏覽器和手機 Pi錢包。 

要訪問 Pi瀏覽器和手機 Pi錢包,請通過主屏幕上的按鈕從 iOS應用商店或 Android Play商店下載新的 Pi Browser (Pi瀏覽器)應用。 

請確保您正在從核心團隊(商店清單中標記為“ Pi Community company”)下載官方的 Pi瀏覽器應用程序,並提防假錢包或詐騙。

Pi瀏覽器旨在創建一個更加開放和直接的 Pi Utilities 平台,開發人員可以在其中輕鬆開發、測試和部署 Pi Apps,供先鋒們將來嘗試和使用。 

Pi瀏覽器基本上是Pi Apps/Utilities Platform的新界面

作為通用瀏覽器工具,它仍然是原始的,但是它是唯一可以支持 Pi應用程序的瀏覽器。


上週,我們為每位先鋒推出了電腦版本 Pi錢包,現在我們在 Pi瀏覽器應用程序中啟動了 Pi錢包的手機版本。 

因此,如果您尚未通過電腦版本創建錢包,請下載 Pi Browser 應用並在此處創建錢包。

如果您已經在上週電腦上創建了錢包,則現在可以通過 Pi瀏覽器應用程序在手機上訪問錢包,並通過指紋或臉部識別將密碼安全地存儲在手機上。

Pi錢包是 Pi 逐步向主網下放權力的戰略中的重要里程碑,因為每位先鋒都將能夠通過創建 Test-Pi (測試用Pi幣)交易並通過錢包與Testnet區塊鏈進行交互。 

隨著社區在 Testnet(測試網)上測試交易,我們還為 Pi Mainnet(主網) 做更多準備,包括「社區準備就緒」和「對區塊鏈及其可擴展性」的改進。


在Pi瀏覽器應用程序中,包含錢包將最終使將來的Pi應用程序和傳統企業輕鬆集成Pi 支付系統,並與Pi區塊鏈進行交互。 

這將使先鋒們具有無縫的去中心化Web體驗,即在訪問特定的Pi App網站時輕鬆進行Pi區塊鏈交易。 

這是Pi Utilities平台的一次重大發展,也是核心團隊在建立Pi生態系統方面的努力。







例如,可以通過在瀏覽器的網址列中分別輸入wallet.pi,chats.pi,mine.pi和brainstorm.pi來訪問當前應用程序-Pi Wallet,Pi Chats,Mining,Brainstorm。

將來,將選擇更多第三方開發人員的Pi應用程序並將其添加到目錄中,並通過類似的.pi 根域網址進行訪問。


Pi瀏覽器是一個更加開放的Pi Apps平台,因為它使開發人員能夠測試和部署與Pi Testnet、Pi Wallet和Pi技術堆棧的其他元素集成的應用程序。

它可以做到這一點,而無需限制審批流程或限制Pi挖掘應用程序內的舊Pi Utilities平台,因為任何人都可以在Pi瀏覽器上自由訪問任何網站。

相比之下,過去是必須由核心團隊選擇應用程序才能嵌入到Pi挖掘應用程序內的Pi Utilities平台中。

稍後,我們將更新Pi平台SDK,以與用於Pi Apps的Testnet和Test-Pi事務集成,從而使開發人員可以從自己的網域在Testnet上測試其Pi應用。

此外,隨著Pi Network的分散化,瀏覽器將能夠匹配網絡的分散化進度。

最終,Pioneers可以直接通過其URL訪問Pi目錄中列出的應用程序和未列出的應用程序,並在沒有Pi 核心團隊嚴格監督的情況下做出最終決定,即這些應用程序是否值得信賴。


繼續閱讀:Pi Browser安裝及手機錢包使用教程


Introducing the Pi Browser app and Pi mobile Wallet

Today we’re introducing two major products of Pi Network together: the Pi Browser and the mobile Pi Wallet. To access the Pi Browser and the mobile Pi Wallet, please download the new Pi Browser app from the iOS App Store or Android Play Store through the button on the home screen. Please make sure you're downloading the official Pi Browser app from the Core Team (marked as “Pi Community company” in store listings), and beware of fake wallets or scams.

The Pi Browser aims to create a more open and direct Pi Utilities platform where developers can easily develop, test and deploy Pi Apps for Pioneers to try and use in the future. The Pi Browser is basically the new interface of the Pi Apps/Utilities Platform. As a general-purpose browser tool, it is still primitive, but it is the only browser that can support Pi applications. This is also the beta version of the browser, and more changes and features will be added later.

Last week we launched the desktop Pi Wallet to every Pioneer, and now we’re launching the mobile version of the Pi Wallet inside the Pi Browser app. So, if you have not created your wallet through the desktop version, please download the Pi Browser app and create your wallet there. If you have already created your wallet on desktop last week, you can now access your wallet on your mobile through the Pi Browser app and safely store your passphrase on your phone through fingerprints or FaceID. The Pi Wallet is an important milestone in Pi’s strategy of progressive decentralization towards the Mainnet because every Pioneer will be able to interact with the Testnet blockchain through their wallets by creating Test-Pi transactions. We are also preparing more for the Pi Mainnet both in terms of 1) community readiness and 2) improvements towards the blockchain and its scalability, as the community tests transactions on the Testnet.

Why are the Pi Wallet and Pi Browser bundled together? Having the wallet inside the Pi Browser App will ultimately allow future Pi Apps and traditional businesses to easily integrate Pi Payments and interact with the Pi blockchain. This will enable Pioneers to have seamless decentralized web experiences, i.e. easily perform Pi blockchain transactions when visiting specific Pi App websites. This is a big evolution of the Pi Utilities platform and the Core Team’s effort on building the Pi ecosystem. Below is a more detailed introduction of the Pi Browser. The Core Team will determine with the community’s feedback as to whether we will maintain two mobile apps (i.e. mining app and browser app) or merge them into one in the future.

Pi Browser

The Pi Browser intends to provide a web experience into a decentralized world. In addition to supporting any Web2.0 applications like existing web browsers, the Pi Browser will enable people to browse, interact and transact in decentralized applications — applications that integrate with blockchain technology — for a seamless and friendly user experience. Additionally, the Pi Browser will have a directory of selected Pi Apps and its own DNS system to support a whole new class of .pi domains. For example, current apps — Pi Wallet, Pi Chats, Mining, Brainstorm — will be accessible by typing in respectively wallet.pi, chats.pi, mine.pi and brainstorm.pi in the URL field of the browser. In the future, more Pi apps by third-party developers will be selected and added to the directory and be accessed through similar .pi URLs. Developers will also be able to start iterating on their app through non-pi domains earlier.

The Pi Browser is a more open Pi Apps platform because it enables developers to test and deploy the applications that integrate with the Pi Testnet, Pi Wallet and other elements of the Pi tech stack. It can do this without the limitation of the approval process or confinement of the old Pi Utilities platform inside the Pi mining app because anyone can visit any website freely on the Pi Browser. By contrast, it used to be that apps must be selected by the Core Team to be embedded in the Pi Utilities platform inside the Pi mining app. Later, we will update the Pi platform SDK to integrate with the Testnet and Test-Pi transactions for Pi Apps that allow developers to test their Pi apps on Testnet from their own domains.

Moreover, as Pi Network becomes more decentralized, the browser will be able to match the network’s decentralization progress. Ultimately in the future, Pioneers can access both apps listed on the Pi Directory and unlisted apps directly through their URLs, and make the ultimate decisions of whether those apps are trustworthy or not without the strict oversight of the Pi Core Team. Through this vision, the selection process for the directory would not necessarily impede goods apps from being developed, deployed, tested or used by Pioneers.


Pi Network 安裝與註冊

下載安裝步驟 安裝前,說在前面。 當您在面對面推廣 Pi Network 時,經常會遇到這樣的疑問或質疑: 安裝軟體會不會個資外洩?軟體有沒有毒?手機會不會燒壞?拿到的Pi幣有沒有價值?又是虛擬貨幣!是不是詐騙?等等非常多令您意想不到的疑惑! 沒錯,肯定會遇到...