
 Beware of scams 當心騙局

Pi Network 項目方發話了,鑑於假借Pi項目方名義,透過社群、仿製網站散布不實謠言、虛假交易以及Pi幣或帳戶私下、場外買賣交易等行為,嚴厲打擊,一經舉報查實,永久封號,銷毀其所獲Pi幣。

Pi Network 項目目前已經超過700萬活躍帳戶,臨界成立社區委員會來制憲制定未來自主運行規範以及停產減產投票等,使得部分投機取巧帳戶開始利用Pi Network 項目方名義在社群、網站投放虛假交易、預買賣等行為詐騙不知情先鋒,出脫未來無法被認證的Pi幣,造成詐騙情事屢屢發生。

Pi Network 項目方早已明令違規行為,但違規者已然如故,即日起祭出大棒,採取舉報制,首頁發出說明與通知,嚴厲執行銷號制度打擊偽造、欺詐、不實謠言、虛假買賣等行為。




20200812 Pi App 首頁發布原文及翻譯

As our network grows, there has been a recent increase of scams claiming to involve Pi. 


Remember that Pi is mined for free but currently not for sale. 


We are not affiliated with anyone or any organization claiming to sell Pi, Pi futures or any derivatives of Pi. 


All such sales are unauthorized and may lead to your loss of money or personal data. 


Read more about different types of scams.


Pi is mined for free but currently not for sale. We’re not affiliated with anyone or any organization claiming to sell Pi, Pi futures or any derivatives of Pi.


All such sales are unauthorized and may lead to your loss of money or personal data. 


Pi is currently not on any trading or futures exchanges or traded for other currencies/cryptocurrencies. 


For any information about Pi, please always use Pi’s official channels: minepi.com, this app, and our official Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram pages that are linked from our app. 

關於Pi的任何消息獲取,請始終使用Pi的官方頻道:minepi.com、pi app應用以及我們應用內鏈接的官方Facebook、Twitter、Youtube和Instagram程序。

Based on Pioneers’ reports, below are a few tips on how to avoid a few types of scams.


How do you avoid these scams?


Avoid all current unauthorized sales of Pi, Pi futures or derivatives, because either these scams may not have the Pi they claim they do to give you back the promised Pi after you pay them money, or these futures and derivatives will be built on empty assets where nothing is backing their value, thus probably ending up in “pump and dump” situations. 


Remember it takes time to create and build real value, and the promise of quick money is usually a scam.


Because of our policy that all Pi earned through fake accounts or scripting will be burned and the current terms of in-app transfers, many of these scammers who think they own certain amounts of Pi will lose their Pi before the Mainnet due to the behavior prohibited by our policies and terms.


So there is no other way to increase your mining rate or to get more Pi right now but to mine in-app. 


Beware of scammers who make false claims that you can get more than what can be earned inside the Pi App. 

謹防詐騙者的虛假宣稱您可以獲取比在Pi App中獲得的更多獎勵。

You can mine Pi for free by pushing the mining button in the app everyday, and you get rewarded for securing the network by having up to 5 members in your Security Circle, and growing the network by building up your earning team through invites.


Please do NOT give out your personal information (e.g. phone number, email address, passwords, Pi username and balances) to any organizations, websites, social media, or messaging apps for any airdrops or potential trading opportunities. 


Pi is not conducting any airdrops. As mentioned above, any futures or derivatives of Pi may not be backed by anything, hence you are running the risk of privacy and identity theft in this case.


Any unofficial communities pretending to run paid “Pi KYC” are scams, and you may lose money and potentially have your identity stolen. All Pi KYC processes will only be initiated from this App. You’ll be notified if you’re selected for KYC which is currently free.

任何偽裝經營付費「Pi KYC」的非官方社區都是騙局,您可能會蒙受損失,並有可能被盜取您的身份。所有Pi KYC流程都只能從此應用程序啟動。如果您獲選了免費的KYC,則會收到通知。

Do not share personal information (e.g. phone number, email address, passwords) inside the Pi App chat rooms or any communication channels where strangers can view. 

請勿在Pi App聊天室內或陌生人可以查看到的任何通訊頻道內共享個人信息(例如電話號碼、電子郵件地址、密碼)。

Specifically, you should not be exchanging phone numbers or adding strangers to your Security Circle. 


You should only add people that you trust to your Security Circle. Remember that you are receiving the security circle reward for making the network more secure. 


If you are adding untrustworthy people to your Security Circle, this action of yours not only did not contribute to the security of the network, but also may have a negative effect on your ability to make transfers and Pi account recovery in the future.


The best place to get information about Pi is from inside the app and on our official website www.minepi.com. 


If you have questions, first check out our FAQs and White Paper, and you can also go to our chat rooms where Moderators with an M symbol may be able to answer your questions. 


Beware of sites that imitate our website or social media pages. The Pi App has links in the side menu to our official social media sites. 

提防模仿我們網站或社交媒體頁面的網站。 Pi App在側面菜單中設置有到我們官方社交媒體的鏈接。

Take caution with unofficial Pi-related social pages or groups who offer information or services. 


There are some resources that may be reliable, but there are others who spread false rumors. So, always refer back to the Pi app or website for official news and information.


Always report suspicious activity


If you come across a scam or questionable activity, please send an email to support@minepi.com with supporting evidence of the scam.


If there are Pioneers trying to buy, sell, or trade Pi in the Pi App chat rooms, this is a violation of our terms of service. 

如果有先鋒試圖在Pi App聊天室中購買、出售或交易Pi幣,則違反了我們的服務條款。

If you see this activity, please take a screenshot of the violator’s message and email it to support@minepi.com.






Pi Network 安裝與註冊

下載安裝步驟 安裝前,說在前面。 當您在面對面推廣 Pi Network 時,經常會遇到這樣的疑問或質疑: 安裝軟體會不會個資外洩?軟體有沒有毒?手機會不會燒壞?拿到的Pi幣有沒有價值?又是虛擬貨幣!是不是詐騙?等等非常多令您意想不到的疑惑! 沒錯,肯定會遇到...