Pi社區與治理小組介紹 20201020


20201020 Pi APP 首頁更新,四段關於 Pi 治理和臨時委員會的社區討論視頻,核心團隊遴選部份先鋒對於社區治理、臨時委員會、相關建議的自拍說明視頻發表,如果有感,或是有任何想法、意見、提議、建議等等,有利於社區委員會成立、治理的先鋒,也可以到首頁去留言或點讚認同。

Pi Panel on Community and Governance Introduction

Welcome to another session of the Pi Convention! Today, we are featuring a community discussion panel about Pi Governance & the Provisional Committee.

In the Whitepaper, we outlined that a Provisional Committee would be formed after the network hits 5M Pioneers. 
The responsibilities of the Provisional Committee include soliciting and proposing suggestions from and to the wider community, organizing a series of on- and offline conversations, where Pi’s members will be able to provide input on Pi’s long-term governance structure, representing, leading and organizing the regional communities through these conversations.

For example, the organization of the Pi Convention like the current one will be part of the work of the Provisional Committee. 
We’re taking the opportunity of the first Pi Convention to discuss and make progress on the formation of the Provisional Committee, and hopefully future global Pi Conventions along with more regional conventions will be primarily organized by this committee.
例如,像現有的《 Pi公約》那樣的組織將成為臨時委員會工作的一部分。

As the Core Team, we hope this Provisional Committee will be composed of members who not only contributed and will continue contributing to Pi Network, but also who have expertise in different areas that would be helpful to building the larger Pi Ecosystem and who have deep thoughts on how Pi Community can be organized on not just regional level but also global level. 
We’re having this Panel to hear what the Pioneers want the committee members to be and how they should be selected. 
We will incorporate the ideas from Pioneers in defining the future steps in forming this committee, and probably also surfacing candidates for the committee in the process itself.
作為核心團隊,我們希望這個臨時委員會的成員不僅可以為Pi Network做出貢獻,而且將繼續為Pi Network做出貢獻,而且他們在不同領域具有專業知識,這些知識將有助於建立更大的Pi生態系統,並且擁有深刻的思想關於如何在地區一級和全球一級組織Pi社區。

In organizing this Pi Panel, the Pi Core Team has been soliciting short video submissions from community members through an online application, Chat Moderator recommendations, and email reach-outs. 
We asked vocal Pioneers to express their opinions on 3 questions: 
1) What characteristics and qualities they think a Provisional Committee member should have to fulfill such responsibilities, 
2) how committee members should be nominated & selected to ensure fairness and their capability of leading and representing the community, and 
3) how long of a term should the committee members serve and why.

About 900 Pioneers submitted about 2,000 short video responses to voice their opinions in this panel.
Because Pi Panels are global discussions and are meant to spur conversations internationally within the Pi community, we required English as the language of the video submissions. The Core Team reviewed all the video submissions and selected a subset of them to be showcased in this panel due to time limitations and the audience’s attention span. 
We tried to select videos that are representative of different viewpoints from different geolocations, that are clear, articulate and reasonable. 
Even if your video is not showcased in this broadcast, please know that we have listened to your ideas, and we hope our selected videos also represented your views. 
For Pioneers who did not participate in the discussion through video, please participate in the current session through posting your views through the Topic button on the homescreen today, where the Core Team and other community members can also view, upvote or downvote.

Now let’s hear what representative Pioneers think about the formation of the Provisional Committee.
We’d like to clarify that any voices by non Core Team members do not represent what the Core Team thinks or decides. 
The Convention is meant to be a place where diverse and creative ideas from the community on how to solve issues and improve various aspects of our network emerge, where conversations can continue and ideas can flourish.


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